Lighting problems (incorrect shadows)

Please look at the pictures, the shadow and light is somehow not correct.
I dont know why this happens.

The scene has a lightmass importance volume covering the whole level.
The walls and floor are all static meshes, setting lighting build quality from low to production also doesnt change this problem.

My question is what could be wrong or what can i possibly do against this?

Increase the Lightmap Resolution of your Floor Mesh.
Go into the Lightmap Resolution Viewport (Upper Left Corner) and adjust the Lightmap Resolution until your Floor appears green.
(Blue = Too Low,
Red = Too High,
Green = Okay)

YES, thank your very much, this was the solution for my problem.
Had to set it to 2048 to be green.

Is it correct that this only makes the building time longer and the filesize bigger?
Cause then i would apply this fix later in development stage, to keep filesize and build times low?


2048 is very high!! …although maybe your plane is very big…
Try lower value /even though in the editor it shows blue you might get a better build time and good enough quality/!
One huge lightmap slows the build time by a lot! …using more but smaller ones is faster!
…you could also break up the main plane into smaller /modular/ pieces with smaller lightmaps!
And you should also check out cascade shadows!! In your case you could get away with a lower lightmap resolution mixing with cascade shadows!!
Also recommend to go through this site:
[A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums][1]
[A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums][1]

Good luck! :slight_smile:

Hallo pleas help me i have exported the mash from 3dmax 2018 to unreal enguine 4. UV is made everything is ok when i am doing render in UE4 have this problem ia do not know if it is the shadow or material and when i take the shadow everything is ok… pleas help me