Something holding back GPU to 30fps


Something is holding back my GPU to 30fps.

I have tried:

  • r.VSync 0
  • r.VSyncEditor 0
  • t.MaxFPS 120
  • Unchecking Project Settings > Engine > General Settings > Framerate > Smooth Frame Rate
  • Turning off Vertical sync for anything Unreal related in NVIDIA Control Panel

I am on a laptop, but it’s a [decent][1] one (NVIDIA GTX 1050 4GB).

The Levels I’ve been testing are pretty much empty, and stat GPU is even telling me I should be better than 30fps.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

I am building from source so I can very easily drop in breakpoints if that helps.

Did a stat DumpFrame -ms=0.1 Noticed that SlateDrawWindowsCommand was taking much more than I expected it to. Googled it and found this Bad Slate performance.

When I packaged the game t.MaxFPS 120 actually worked.

So it seems that the Editor is somehow syncing/holding back the GPU to specific refresh rates (30 and 60 fps). Would be great to know how to disable it.