Rotating Doors with Glass are becoming opaque?

We have a number of rotating doors in our environment and they look great when they are standing still however when I simulate all of the doors glass becomes opaque when they turn from animation.

How do you go about making objects with glass keep the glass transparent when being animated?

Could you post a screenshot ? of both face( transparent ) and rotating (opaque) ?
can it be a material/reflection problem ? ( did you try with an empty transparent material ? )

Sure- Here are some screens- The material is M_Glass.

is it a material/ reflection problem- thats what I am assuming.

No I have not tried it with an empty transparent material

Didnt upload the clear version-

try with an other transparent mat, if it work, try duplicating the glass mat and try with the new one ( who knows ). Do you work with static lighting or dynamic ?

just tried here and it work fine (4.16.3) simple cube with starter content m_glass material + rotation on tick, try to do a test with a simple new blueprint like that, if does work, check the diff in the rendering setting of the mesh

So the objects had morphs- turns out we had to check a box in the material to “use with morph”