[Request] Advanced snap and move tool

Recently Hourences stated in this post about more powerful snap and move tool. What we expect to see is a 3dsmax style snap tool where we could align/snap to other objects easily. This could save a lot of time when it comes to aligning meshes in viewport.

This thread has additional info on our discussion of workflow in general: http://forums.epicgames.com/threads/978690-BSPs-and-levels-blockin-workflow

And last March I posted a similar request https://rocket.unrealengine.com/questions/684/suggestion-unitymaxmaya-snap-functionality.html

Hi Satheesh,

Thank you for this suggestion. I have searched our database and can see that there are multiple requests for this and similar features regarding the expansion of the snap function. Once we have those implemented, please let us know if they do not fulfill what you want.

Thank you,


Snap like Max would be nice, that’s why I use Max for modeling- depending on Epic to create a modeling feature as elegant as Max’s snap might be disappointing, it may come someday, in the meantime traditional 3D apps like Maya/Max/Softimage handle this job great, Unreal does the VIDEO GAME portion of the job. I agree, that it would be nice if it were all in one place, tho