What's wrong with the rotation of the dial on my blueprints radio?

It rotates with the mouse wheel input but at a certain point just glitches out. How do i fix this? Thanks.

Can we see the blueprint?
just a guess: If you are using Lerp to rotate the dial, make sure you have unchecked ‘Shortest path’

Here it is. And no I’m not using a Lerp

I’m not sure of the exact reason, but too much rotation could be the cause.

To stop the mesh from over rotating, after the relative location for mousewheel up, check if the rotation is over 360, if it is, minus 360 from its rotation, and in the mousewheel down after its relative location, check if its less than -360, if it is, add 360 degrees :slight_smile:

I had the same problem, seems to only occur when rotating the Y axis.
I think its a bug TBH but worked around it using “Add Local Rotation” instead.

This worked. Thanks!