How to save collected items to an array

Im making a beginner project for trying to learn to use UE and i have a generic collectable object scattered around the levels, but i would like to be able to save what collectables player already collected so when you return to the map they dont respawn.

I got basic understanding what arrays does but im still figuring out blueprints and such but heres what id want to make but dont know how. When you pick up one of the collectables that specific object would be saved into the array in gameinstance as collected so i wouldnt need to give every single collectable its own tag to identify them or something.

Make sure each collectible has a unique name, then just save the name of the actor. Get Object Name.
if you have multiple levels/worlds, you might want to save these in a dictionary map with the level name as the key.

When you “collect” an item, just Add it to your array or map that you’ve made public on the game instance.

On begin play of the level, Get all Actors of Class of collectible, and kill the ones that are in your array or map for that level.

Thanks for the help! im gonna give this a shot and see if i can get it to work as intented.

Allright so ive made a bit of progress now… I got the array working and im using “print string” to check it does save the objects names into the array but i havent been able to figure out how do i only delete the collectables that are saved in the array.
Currently when i re-enter the area every single collectable gets deleted.

EDIT: It works! i figured it out. I dont know what the part about “map” is about but i can save all the collectables into a single string array for the whole game.