Creating aircraft avionics

Hi , I’m new to UE4 and i’m trying to create a flight simulator. I have a 3D cockpit and now want to add the avionic systems into the virtual cockpit.
In real life - the aircraft i want to simulate has an advanced avionics system. Its flight panel consists of several screens instead of regular gages.
I already have the code for the avionics display but its out put is openGL.
Whats the best way to set the display into my virtual cockpit?


Thanks for the replay.

Is there a tutorial for creating cockpits with all the issues concerning flight controls , flight panels, huds etc…
I could not find any tutorial related to inner cockpit creation.
The best example of what i am looking for is the AirCar flying exp by Giant.
I will of course rewrite my entire avionics system so it does not use openGL as its final output.

Hi. Maybe it will be less painful to recreate your interfaces using UMG
There is no way to use directly your openGL code because UE supports plenty of graphical APIs and have an abstraction level to deal with them. There is a component to render UMG objects onto a surfaces ingame (UWidgetComponent)

If you decided to use UMG you may want to check at least this UMG UI Designer | Unreal Engine Documentation

UMG editor doesnt requires c++, interface can be scripted directly using blueprints.

Thanks for the fast reply
I’ll dive into that.