How to smoothly transition the Horizon, Cloud, and Zenith Colors?

So I want to change the Horizon, Cloud and Zenith Colors upon trigger, and I can’t seem to achieve exactly what I want. I have tried 2 approaches :

  1. I tried using Set Vector Parameter Value on the Parameters of Sky Material, and fed the output of a CInterpTo to the input value. I then called the event with a timer so that CInterpTo could feed new values everytime it ticked.

  1. I also tried using set Zenith Color, Horizontal Color and Cloud Color directly using the set nodes, like this

This is my Timer:

So a couple of interesting things are happening here:
Without CInterpTo, everything changed to black instantly, just as it should. Then I started off with hooking up just one value to CInterpTo for testing, and thought to replicate the approach for the other 2.

  1. In the Set Vector Parameter approach, I first started off with just the Zenith Color (Exactly the way I’ve shown in the first screenshot). When I triggered it, The Horizon and Cloud colors went black (just as they should because they weren’t hooked to a CInterpTo), and the Zenith changed to something brownish. After a while trying to figure out what’s happening, I played around with the value of Delta Time and realised that the Zenith Color was a sort of interpolation between current color and black, based on Delta Value. Like if I gave a value of 1 (equal to Interp Speed), it would instantly go totally black, if I gave around 0.5, it would be more like brown, and so on. WHY ? Why and how does Delta Time value control the color ? And again, it wasn’t lerping, just one instant transition.

  2. With the direct Set Zenith, Horizon, Cloud approach, nothing is working at all, not even without CInterpTo and just direct assignments. But WHY ? I even have the Colors determined by sun position unchecked. Why can I not set these colors here ?

I am barely a month old with Unreal and Blueprint, so I understand I might be doing some things wrong. One of the suspicions I have is that could it be something to do with the different kinds of Colors - LinearColor, Vector Colors (Or colors represented by vectors ?) and then I guess there are some colors with masked alphas that prevent Interpolation ? I am not sure, I’m very confused regarding all this and any nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Sorry for the bother. Did you ever resolve this question? I’m trying to do something similar myself and haven’t figured out how to do this.

Node - Refresh Material.