Setting "Collision Preset" in CharacterBP to "Ragdoll" causes Anim BP to stop working!

I’m in the process of setting up Rigid Body node in my AnimBP found here for my character. With the Default collision preset “CharacterMesh” selected, the ragdoll falls through the floor.

When I set the Character BP mesh to “Ragdoll” instead, I get good physics collision HOWEVER, from beginning play the pawn is immediately simulating physics and the Anim BP is not playing animation. It starts as if physics is set to “Simulate Physics”.

Solved it, I unchecked “Component Space Simulation” not sure what it does, because there’s no documentation, but it stopped the ragdoll from falling through the ground.

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That worked perfectly, the only problem now is that my character seems to flail around. I think it might be because of the collision and physics, I don’t know.