Mouse click doesn't trigger upon level change


I have a rather simple setup.
Two levels each with a separate controller, pawn and game mode.

When i open Level B from PIE, i can click the LMB and get actors with “Get Hit Result Under Cursor By Channel”.

But if i open Level A(which basically is a menu level) in PIE, and then enters Level B with “Open Level”, mouse clicks doesn’t register.

In both cases, i have set a print string inside Level B’s level editor, printing out the Player Controller. In both cases i get the expected result.
I also connected a print string to the “LMB” Event inside the player controller. When i enter B directly from the PIE this fires, but when i enter B via A, nothing happens.

So its like something is lost when i dont open it directly with PIE.

The level aren’t streamed, or does in any other way have anything in common, and i can’t for the life of me figure out why a level change has this kind of influence.

Any help is much appreciated.

In Level B i have a widget HUD. In both cases i can click buttons in the HUD, and they fire as they should.

Apparently when you change levels, you need to “Set Input Mode Game and UI”, which in my case solved the problem.