Every time I compile, random BP data gets reset

Since upgrading to 4.18, I have been experiencing the following issue: every time I compile my C++ code, random UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly) variables in my BluePrint classes get reset to their default values. The BluePrints that get reset aren’t necessarily based on classes I edited before compiling. This happens nearly every time I compile. I didn’t experience this in 4.17, 4.16, or 4.15.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Yes, I am experiencing this in Unreal 4.20.1., too. Hopefully this will get fixed, soon!

Same for me in 4.19.2
Very annoying…

This is a HotReload bug. It happens when you change the header file for an object and HotReload compile.

After you’ve recompiled with hot reload you can exit the editor and re-launch it.
This will prevent HotReload from resetting your BP values.