GetVertexColor from linetrace

I have vertex painted skeletal mesh. I can see the vertex colour in editor just fine and I have enabled per poly collision to return the faceindex. But I have hard time getting the vertex colour from code.

This is what I currently have:

USkeletalMeshComponent* TargetMesh = Cast<USkeletalMeshComponent> HitResult.GetComponent());
FColor VertexColour = TargetMesh->GetVertexColor(FaceIndex);

It always returns default vertex colour (255, 255, 255, 255) instead.

There is probably more efficient way of doing it, but this works.

TArray<FSoftSkinVertex> Verts;
FVector P = HitResult.GetComponent()->GetComponentRotation().UnrotateVector(HitResult.ImpactPoint - HitResult.GetComponent()->GetComponentLocation());
float Distance = 100.f;
FVector CompVect;
int32 LookupIndex;
for (int32 i = 0; i < Verts.Num(); ++i) {
		CompVect = P - Verts[i].Position;
		if (CompVect.Size() < Distance) {
			Distance = CompVect.Size();
			LookupIndex = i;
if (LookupIndex > -1) {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Index: %d. Colour: %s. Location: %s"), LookupIndex, 
*Verts[LookupIndex].Color.ToString(), *Verts[LookupIndex].Position.ToString());

I’m not the op but I’m trying to figure out a way to get vertex colors from linetrace. This is the best solution I found via googling but I’m total newbie in c++ in ue4. I know just enough code to understand about about 70% of the code written above.

Any kind soul out there willing to explain to me how to add the code into ue4? Basically I’m just trying to create a line trace that reads the vertex color of a skeletal mesh and this looks like what I’d need.