BehaviorTree is inactive



  • Restart UE4
  • Close the behaviorTree window (or at least make sure it’s not open)
  • Start the game (simulation or PIE, doesn’t matter)
  • Do NOT pause the game
  • Open the BehaviorTree window. It will now work. You can also now pause the game if you like.

Steps to reproduce the bug:

  • Start UE4 (through VS2017 if it matters, using UE4.18.1)
  • Start the game
  • Pause the game
  • Open the Behavior tree. It will now bug (always be inactive and it will show “can’t find any matching actors”.

Updated note: Obviously for testing you need at least 1 character in the game with an AI controller that uses&runs a BehaviorTree (and possibly a BlackBoard as well). But I assumed this to be clear

I have the same issue with UE4.19.2

Still occuring at 4.26.1. In my case the editor always showed that the tree was inactive, when in fact it is running. I proofed this by writing a custom log task and let the behaviour tree execute this task.Weirdly enough, this seems to only affect the behavour tree itself - the tasks and the AI controller are shown as active

I have this issue with version 4.25.3. Restarting doesn’t work! I can’t believe they didn’t fix this bug even after so many years!

4.26.1 and I have this issue now.
My AI class has a “Run Behavior Tree” BTAsset selected and it executes to a cast where I store a bunch of blackboard keys. I simulate run and the Behavior tree stays on inactive. Mind you, I have tons of stuff on this tree

I’ve been following this tutorial to learn about game modes and this is really halting my progress.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Still happening to me in 5.1.
The parent (root) BT works fine, but the child executed from Run Behavior is inactive:

I found a workaround. The issue, in my case, arises when I use an abort policy of “Both” in a decorator prior to the Run Behavior node (strangely, Self and lower priority works just fine). So I just use two different decorators with one abort policy each.

This doesn’t work:


But this does:


A few hours lost on it. Hope that someone can get use of this finding.