Write to boolean structure value

What is a structure blueprint?

This is working:


This is not:

I have set a local variable also. The blueprint editor knows the value of both in the structure so long as the variable is a structure variable. However, I manually set the default value in the structure blueprint to true or false and thereby read the variable from the structure blueprint but not get anywhere otherwise. lol


Struct is a collection of data types. Select the SetMembers node and expose data pins in the details panel - this will allow you to manipulate data inside.

negative. not updated

,I asked… but any one of them dont know. fale.

done is not updated from the “default value”

looking for a database plug-in instead! thank you…

Both Done are set to True - so? You’ve updated accept_2 to false.

where accept_1 is the bool I want to update, there is no change to boolstatestruct in set members in boolstatestruct. If both boolstatestruct and members in boolstatestruct are true there is also no change to accept_1. If control in boolstatestruct is set to true the blueprint is also updated with the change.

guesses are … accept_2 is not false because there is no memory beside struct

The change is also here but it would not be fair to make proof… no:

Can I ask you a small favour? Would you mind just commenting/replying rather than posting a new answer every time. It makes it chaotic and difficult to follow.

If you want to update a boolean inside a struct:

The default value is False but after the update it prints True.

printing string again? that was great yeah… “use your nose next time” lol I clicked the wrong button … surely.