Blueprint compile error in Map? No error found

So I’ve encountered the problem that my editer prompts that I#ve got an unresolved compiler error. I am at the core of my game developement but I havent seen this so it is not any blueprint that has this error but it says:

One or more blueprints has an unresolved compiler error, are you sure you want to Play in Editor?

So this is for sure not any of my blueprint but my map. I am constructing a mobile game and only have this map my camera is in.
Does someone know what to look for? I mean, that I am not able to fix it if I cannot track down my issue!
Other than that it seems that all the gameplay and everything else works without any issue
is it a bug ?
I am afraid that this might make some problems when packaging

Forget it i was too stupid to exist. forgot about the lvel blueprint which is not shown in the folders but openable from the toolbar. Had a compiler error.

How did you solve this? I met with the same problem.

Ah I see. I am too stupid too exist too

Oh my god, thank you so much, this helped me immesnsely

thanks a lot guys! really help me a lot, i spent like hours trying to figure it out xD