Steam - Read Leaderboard Integer : Failed


I have setup my Steam partnership and I’m trying to Read/write leaderboard, but it fails.

Been searching and watching videos for hours now, it’s a bit frustrating.

The weird part is I’ve successfully setup the achievements. They work just fine, but not leaderboard T.T

Help would be really appreciated.

PS : Actually only Read Leaderboard Integer fails. The Write Leaderboard Integer returns True (but I don’t see any entries in the steam leaderboard page)

Edit : Hum, if I remove the leaderboard from Steam Leaderboard page, the game doesn’t output Failure (nor success of course). So I assume the connection with Steam seems to work. I don’t understand why it fails.

Phew, finally found out why.
I’ll post the answer here for anyone who get there looking for the same answer.
On the steam page, it’s required to also set something in the Stat page with the name of the leaderboard with underscore then the name again. Just like this :

Found here : 

but there is a problem, the score always increment, it’s a known issue and can’t be fixed with blueprint. Although as a workaround, what’s possible is to deduct your highscore from your current score.

Would these also work for Google Play leaderboard. I have the same problem not able to write score to leaderboard.