4.3/Blueprint/Data Table Support/iOS Requirements?

Our current game is designed in 4.2 as a code project simply for the use of accessing xls Data Tables. In order for it to work you need to define a Row object before you can use it in blueprint. Is this still required in 4.3? I didn’t see anywhere where you can define the row object using Blueprints.

We would like to convert our project over to 4.3 but this issue will stop us from doing that. We also wanted to take advantage of the Build on iOS from PC improvements. We currently have it working using the remote build tool in 4.2 but it is very clunky. We also noticed that the iOS from PC does not support a code project.

So we are basically in a bit of a pickle. It seems as though the first requirement (using Data Tables) will force us to keep a code project which means we can’t take advantage of the build on iOS from PC. Should we even try to upgrade to 4.3? Also, if we do upgrade to 4.3 using a code project will the remote tool iOS build procedures continue to work? Is there a point trying?

I feel like we should stick in 4.2 but wanted to hear from the community and those with more knowledge at Epic.

Thank you for your time,

  • Voigt

I’m looking for an answer about how you define the Data Table Row Type myself. I haven’t been able to figure out how to do it in the the project UI anywhere.

One point though: I don’t believe there is any distinction between a code project and a blueprint project other than the starter content that they include in the examples. I believe you can modify your code as you wish no matter what initial project ‘type’ you chose. That is to say, you should be able to use your code solution just fine regardless.

How are you guys defining the Data Table Row Type with code? I’ve been pouring over the documentation but the examples assume that I’m a Cpp coder and don’t give me enough context…do you know of an example .h and .cpp file that shows a working solution? I know I could reverse engineer something for what I need if I could only see something that’s working in context.

Sure. Here is a picture of one of my definitions for an excel sheet. Just a single file (.h) will do. Once it is compiled you can use it to bind data to when you import it in the editor. It will be available in the dropdown list. In 4.3 you can just use blueprints after that. However, if you are in 4.2 you have write your own method to pull out the rows and expose it to blueprint. Let me know if you need that example.


Hmm, that’s the same syntax I’m using and everything, I’m not sure why it wasn’t working before but it started working for some reason. Thanks!!

Do you have to also create a .cpp file, or are you just adding this new header file to your source\project_name folder by itself? For some reason when I do it, I get a ton of intellesense errors.