How do i send VRkeyboard keystrokes to a specific TextBox?

Hi there,

Im building a VRKeyboard, and have this seemingly trivial question which i can’t figure out.

My setup:
VRPawn with two controllers (pretty standard). On each controller i’ve added Widget Interaction Components (WIC) and when i pull the trigger on the controller, i send Left Mouse clicks via “Press Pointer Key” and “Release Pointer Key”.
So when i point at buttons i can click them. That part works fine!

My VRKeyboard works by calling “Send Key Char” via the WIC.

I got a TextBox and the keybuttons as this:

So when i click each letter it sends the keystroke to the selected widget.

My question:
Is there a way to “Focus” the Name TextBox so it automatically recieves the keystrokes via Blueprint?

Note: If i just click the Name TextBox first, and then click the letter buttons, it work fine, but if i don’t initially click it, nothing happends. I’ve tried calling these nodes when i open the VRKeyboard, and none of them give the same result as if i just clicked the Name TextBox first.