How to pan camera using add movement input

Hi Guys.
I’m trying to pan my camera using Add Movement Input. The Camera Moves but in an odd way.
First it starts to move but it never stop! (keep moving for ever!!!).
Second it doesn’t move with the speed I give to it.
Third It moves in a ■■■■ lazy way…
Take a look at blueprint and you may found the problem…

it’s not an anwer, but it’s worth just double checking, your camera is a component in the Character class… because the BP Add Movement Input node only works natively for subclasses Character and DefaultPawn, otherwise it needs to be done on Tick

Same result…

it looks like you are using Add Movement Input in your Level Event Graph… have you tried using it in your Character/Pawn BP which contains the camera component you are trying to move instead?

you might also try casting from Get Player Pawn to your specific Character class, and then calling Add Movement Input