Destructible Component Manually Switch to Fractured Mesh

I am looking for a way to swap the static destructible mesh to the fractured when needed.

For context, I am trying to network the destruction of a tree, down to the fractured pieces. I have a destructible component networking fine, and I can network the individual chunks once the mesh has taken damage. The server has ownership of the tree, and takes damage, but unless the client versions take damage (and thus swap the static for fractured LODs) I cannot replicate the chunks. The problem is, if I cause damage on the client there’s a possibility of different chunks (than the server) to break free and for optimization I am only replicating chunks that have broken on the server.

I could retroactively compare the client broken chunks to the server and begin replicating them as well, but if there was a simple way to swap out the LODs it would be a much smoother solution.