Pinball Bumper doesn't lit up when hit?

Hello, i am doing the course from Udemy somewhen there is a part that when you hit the Bumper the Bumper should lit up, but in my Script it isn’t lighting up for some reason, i made it 100% like the course it but it’s not working at all. everything is fine, the light under the Bumper is glowing but the Material on Top doesn’t change the color when hit.

That is the Construction Script
And this is the Event Graph.

i rly dont know why it is how it is, it should work as it’s the same in the course. but it seems like i missed something there.

this is how the bumper looks like:

There is no source material selected here:

It’s also not selected in the Course, but when he Compiles the Construction script the line is getting an animation, in my editor it doesn’t get the animation for some reason.

You’ll see execution line, sure.

But you cannot create a dynamic material out of nothing. The creator of this tut cheated a little, forgot to set the source material and added it behind the scenes later.

even when i select it, it doesn’t change anything, its not working…

i got it fixed, i forgot a letter in the parameter in the material, so the scalar parameter value doesn’t affected the material. thanks anyway for your help.

I having the same issue currently. I found the Construction Script. The animation for the bumper and lighting won’t activate despite how my collisions are set up. Of Collision Capsule