Spawned pawn and simple move to location

Hi everyone,
I’m working on a racing boat game as a student project, and currently I’m on a bonus who follow the player in front of me, like a red shell in Mario kart. So for this I use the nav mesh and basic IA controller for the pathfinding of the bonus. But when it spawned it doesn’t move at all. Here some screenshot of my blueprints:

Here is the blueprint of my boat, which spawn the bonus with a press key event (the left node). I assign the target position to a custom event who is send to the game_mode.

In the game_mode, I assign to the bonus his target as an actor based on the position I send before and send an another custom event to the bonus.

And finally, in the bonus’ blueprint, I use the simple move to location node with the location of the target and the controller of the bonus

Here are the settings of the bonus as a pawn

And the result in my scene : All my prints are here but the bonus doesn’t move to the first boat. I also tried Spawn IA from class for the creation of the bonus.


Thanks in advance for your futures responses and I’ll hope that it will be quickly fixed.

Turn off the can ever affect navigation on collision panel of the static mesh