Fix First person camera becoming static

When adding objects to my first person character I somehow caused the First person Camera part of the first person character base BP to become static and then UE4 crashed. After the startup, I found that the camera was moved to the 0 pos in the level and becomes immobile.When you run the game you get a series of warnings stating that static objects can’t attach to movable objects and thus it aborts attaching the camera to the character.

This, of course, all renders the game unplayable.

For the life of me, I can not find a way to set the mobility of the First person Camera, its settings do not include mobility. Is there a way to fix this that does not require me to start over from scratch?

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Well, I ended up making a new Camera and then in the construction script making that new Camera the first person camera, but there has got to be a better way to fix this. If anyone finds a way to change the First person camera’s mobility setting please let me know.

this happens a lot for me and they didn’t fix it after 5 years
first open up your character blueprint and change capsule component mobility to static
then open up construction script and do this
you should keep this in your construction script