Is it possible to apply "fix up redirectors" from code on an asset path?

I am deleting some assets using


But the next time I try to create assets in this path, seems an old BP reference is hold.
I believe this can be fixed by using the Fix up redirectors on the path, but how can I apply that from code? is it possible?

Maybe I shouldn’t use the method above to delete the asset file, but what would be the alternative then?

Thank you.

Hi. You can see how it was made in FPathContextMenu::ExecuteFixUpRedirectorsInFolder()

There is a special function to fixup redirectors there, but you have to collect all redirectors you want to fix first

// Load the asset tools module
FAssetToolsModule& AssetToolsModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetToolsModule>(TEXT("AssetTools"));

Is this also possible with editor scripting? I have a reference to the asset tools. But I don´t see any .FixupReferencers(Redirectors) node.