How to drag and drop with mouse

Hey I’m trying to make various interactions for a game similar to a nintendo ds or mobile game with touch minigames where you grab things, move them, activate them etc using Paper2d.
I can not figure out what to use because I don’t want to give them physics, I want to control them directly with the mouse like in a jigsaw puzzle.
I am not asking how to use the UMG drag and drop functionality.

This isn’t really an answer, but you can find what you need in the content examples provided by Epic. I’ve been working with UE4 for about 6 months now and I just found this, and ■■■■, it is really useful and I’m wondering why no one told me before. I think the map you need is called Mouse Interaction, but it does exactly what you want.

In the Learn tab in the Epic Games Launcher, scroll down to Engine Features Samples. In there is one called Content Examples. Download that, create a new project, open it up, find the map, and bask is the sweet learn-y-ness that is the project.

Thanks a lot, I had underestimated the content examples and never looked at them before!