Userwidget C++ variables not in BP panel?

The 2 properties below are accessible in the blueprint through right click but I don’t have them in the blueprint panel (see screenshot) on the left side. Why? Is this not implemented by Epic or a bug or did I do it wrong?

UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, Category = "User Interface", meta = (DisplayName = "OwnerAsPlayerEye"))
class APlayerEye* OwnerAsPlayerEye = nullptr;

UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, Category = "User Interface")
TArray<class UInventoryWidget*> InventoryWidgets;


yes it’s normal, this panel only display Properties declared in the blueprint itself, not form any mother classes ( blueprints or c++)

You should be able to see them and edit their value in the detail panel though

Ah indeed the details panel below that, shows them.