How can I have my camera teleport without a ton of force?

i have been having an issue were i make a blank scene and add two box brushes then a trigger on top of box1 and a target point on top of box2. now the issue is when i move the camera into the trigger, the trigger moves the camera to the target point but the camera keeps moving in the Z axis. as if it teleported the camera with a ton of force.
how do i fix this.

i have tried this in the blueprint 3rd person and it works well but doesn’t work with just a camera actor.
is this do to the camera actor not having any physics?

also i have tried this using “set actor location” same thing. it throws the camera in the Z axis after moving it to the target point.

using 4.3.0

Is the camera attached to a spring arm with “Enable Camera Lag” ticked off?

im not sure about the spring arm. im only using the default camera with no model attached to it. how would i access the default camera settings? camera is not in the scene outliner.