Updating Asset References Crashes

I encountered a problem when I went to 4.18 (VR project), I created a primitive (cube & Sphere) in my scene to do position tests. Then by wanting them removed from the level, I confronted a window telling me “Updating Asset References” the project remaining blocked on that, I must close it by deleting the process UE4EDITOR.

The concern remains unresolved for me at the moment. However, an archaic solution for removing the objects of the level is to transform the primitive into a blueprint, and to put in the construction script “Destroy Actor” by targeting “Self”; At runtime, formerly the buggy primitive, the new blueprint is removed from the hierarchy, and it just has deleted the reference blueprint in content.

Screen of bug :


As long as you’re not working on anything serious…

also have this problem! Appreciate any tips regarding what can be done to solve this problem

I resurrected an autosave. Couldnt get it fixed.

alright that sucks, ill just continue to work with my project without deleting anything

I’m having the same issue. Did you find any way around it? I can’t even find suggestions for what might be causing it.

same thing is happening to me

Did you find a solution?
At the moment my editor always crashed whenever I delete any object in the world with this

same here, just happens when renaming a camera