Why does my game freez below the '0' world horizontal plane?

In the world settings, is the Kill Z value (the height at which actors get destroyed) at a reasonable height?

Greetings Epiceers

So, I am building my level for my silly game-play demo. And I am building an underground tunnel. However, whenever the player crosses the horizontal plane that is at the center of the grids, the game will freeze and I can’t make any input other than to exit playing and go back to edit mode.

I used the example map from the First Person Shooter Example and started building upon that.

Here is a picture detailing the problem.


I know a possible solution is to just select all my game components and move them up, but I am afraid to do that as I am afraid that can break stuff.


It’s set to -1000

Edit. Changing the value to -2000 fixed it!