SetViewTarget doesn't accept actor input

Hi all, how do I convert an ACharacter to an AActor? SetViewTarget only accepts AActor but I have a ACharacters. I thought they should be able to work?

 void UUHRIGameInstance::SwitchCam()
    	TArray<ACharacter*> Rovers;
    	UWorld* World = ();
    	for (TActorIterator<ACharacter> ActorItr(()); ActorItr; ++ActorItr)
    	APlayerController* Controller = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(this, 0);
    	if (Controller)
    		Controller->SetViewTarget(Rovers[CamIndex]); //error here 
    		if (CamIndex > RoverSize)
    			CamIndex = 0;

Yes it should work, what exact error do you get?

The error was about inputting the wrong class type to the function. I’ve changed the TArray to use FindComponentByClass and extract only camera actors from the world, now it works fine.