How would I make a line trace go through a character and interact with organs?

I’m trying to make a system similar to hunting games or the Sniper series, where you can hit the player and the bullet travels through and hits an organ. The organs I have are just simple boxes inside the character, attached to one of the spine bones.

If you want to use line trace, it need some code and maybe few traces per shot. You need tricks, for example one trace will not collide with body but organs only, and next trace will be collide with body only, not organs.

For realistic result you should use bullet projectile not trace only. Normally bullet projectile (mostly) is destroyed when hits body, but you can set it to not destruct and do many hit or overlap tests on body and on organs, so it would be easy to do.

After tests you can destroy bullet projectile after some time/distance or when hit ground or tree. This is broad question and op to you, but solution is - use bullet projectile as described.

You can use [Multiline Trace For Objects][1], define object types, use tags and tracing channels:

If you’re new to collision, consider starting here:

And this is a great read:

It’s quite a bit to wrap one’s mind around so take it easy.