'fatal error'

I continually get the same error. All I can find is this in the logs is:

LogWindows: LoadLibraryWithSearchPaths failed for file aqProf.dll. GetLastError=0
LogWindows: LoadLibraryWithSearchPaths failed for file VtuneApi.dll. GetLastError=0
LogWindows: LoadLibraryWithSearchPaths failed for file VtuneApi32e.dll. GetLastError=0

Everyone is getting those errors but they don’t seem to be the source of any issues so far. If there’s nothing in the UE4 logs try to get the crash data from the OS. It could be something like a missing DLL – those don’t show up in the UE4 logs AFAIK. Also it may help if you explain what is happening when it crashes (i.e. hit play in editor, running on dedicated server, packaging game for Win64, etc.).

It’s when I try to compile some BPs or run in PIE.