Area of Effect attack only killing 2 at a time

Hi, im trying to create a spell that does damage in a sphere around the player. So far the damage works and it does what its supposed to, but It only damages 2 enemys of the same type at a time. Also a thing to note is if I bring in another type of enemy it hits them also.

Additional Info: When checking the log I sometimes (But not all the time) I get errors stating Blueprint Runtime Error: Attempted to access BP_ExampleAI4 via property CallFunc_Array_Get_Item2, but BP_ExampleAI4 is pending kill from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_BlowBackSphere’ from node: Branch in graph: EventGraph in object: BlowBackSphere with description: Attempted to access BP_ExampleAI4 via property CallFunc_Array_Get_Item2, but BP_ExampleAI4 is pending kill

There is an easier way to do this, use a MultiSphereTraceForObject, make an array from Object Types change it to pawn, then do a for each loop, break the hit result and apply damage with self as damage causer (ignore the sequence, I set my player to no movement when casting.)