Fade in and out exponential fog

Is it possible to fade in exponential fog and also fade out exponential fog, I’m building a fire forest and I have my fog that just looks like regular fog, but when the player enters the forest that’s on fire I want the fog to seamlessly change to a more red colour. Is that possible and if so how thanks!

Okay so i did as you said but its just updates it instantly: I have added some pics so you can see what i’m doing

And the timeline here

I think you should be using timelines and changing fog color/density. Trigger it using a box trigger where you want

It did not work as you have to use lerp to update your density and color and the alpha of the lerp is controlled by timeline. Right now you are just setting it.

Let me see if I can guide you.

→ Create a simple float track with time you want.
→ Create two lerps one for colour and one for float
→ Connect the float track to the alpha of both
→ The two individual node in the two lerps you just created indicates from the orignal value to the new value.
→ And the value are changed over time by the alpha controlled by time line.

In all you just need one float track in timeline and use it to lerp between values.
The result of the lerp goes into exponential fog’s respective component setters

Hi there thanks for your comment im still stuck as its still not seamlessly changing, its still instant I probably have it set up wrong so i have attached an image of what i have. I would really appreciate it if you could screen shot both the BP and the timeline so i can make more sense out of it. Thanks

Got it to work i needed to change the emissive colour of the fog too which i wasn’t doing!

were you able to post a picture of what it was you added to fix this?

I solved this by having a “Persistent” expo height fog. All my other fogs are set as not visible, while the Persistent one is set to visible. When I want to change to another height fog I just lerp the values of the fog I choose into the persistent fog. This way I don’t lose the state of my other fogs during runtime.

I was able to achieve this in different ways. But no matter if I use density, height falloff, distance, etc - the fog always flickers as long as the timeline is running. Does anybody have any idea why this is happening?
