Multiplayer project: player2 doesn't receive a player controller when he joins the player1

Hello everyone!

Well, in my simple multiplayer project, when the 2nd player joins the first one, I have two characters spawned in total BUT only ONE player controller was spawned for the first player… The 2nd player can move, but impossible to get its controller (who seems not to exist in the World Outliner)?

Any idea to resolve my problem, please (Blueprints or C++)? :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!
Best regards.

I’m not sure this is the right answer but I always posses the player on the GameMode on PostLogin, but this is weird because if you have a pawn being spawned already it should have the default PC set on your game mode.

Yes, it seems strange to me too…

Especially since everything seems to work properly except this quirk of not having a second controller.
I tried with Unreal’s default classes and I have the same result…

Here is my very simple script to create and join a session, perhaps the problem comes from there?

EDIT: Connecting to the server via the command line on Windows does not pose any problem!

"E:\Epic Games\UE_4.18\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe" "E:\Epic Games\Projects\SMORPG\SMORPG.uproject" -game

Thank you for your answer anyway. :slight_smile: