Editor crashes when I use Custom CharacterMovementComponent on client

I want to write custom CharacterMovementComponent. I trying to write it as it’s written in this article.
For this moment i just want to get it working. I copied the code for unlimited sprint and had to make some changes to even compile. Here is what i changed

#1 Added constructor to MyCharacterMovement.h
UMyCharacterMovement::UMyCharacterMovement(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)

#2 In MyCharacterMovement.h
there is public friend class FSavedMove_ExtendedMyMovement. i changed it to FSavedMove_MyMovement cuz thats the class name declared below.

#3 In MyCharacterMovement.cpp
FSavedMode is once called _MyMovement(for ex. in ::Clear()) and once _ExtendedMovement (for ex. in ::GetCompressedFlags())
so i changed it to _MyMovement in every method.

It works well on server. When I PIE with only 1 window (server) character runs like Forrest Gump but when I PIE with 2 windows Client crashes immediately.
Have anyone got solution for that? Thanks in advance.

The line

check(PawnOwner->Role < ROLE_Authority);

caused all the problem. I cut it out and it work well now.