I Need Help Accessing All Actors In An Array For A "Simple Move To Location"

Basically, I am trying to run the tope code with all (more or less than 3) actors instead of 3 copies of the same thing.

The 3 cubes at the back are the actors in the Blueprint and the one that is selected is the fourth which doesn’t move

I’d also like to know how to reference the target point’s location in an AiController blueprint.

[alt text][2]

Since you seem new to all this also please watch that Video Blueprint Communications | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube

Also get rid of the Destroy node… why you try to destroy your Level BP cO?

Good Luck and have Fun

Thanks! I thought it was something pretty simple but I’mm pretty new so I don’t know what a lot of the nodes do yet. Also, the destroy node is a debug to see if the code finishes.