get current Variable Value

Dear Develpers

There is a way to get the current value of a variable, how, i dont know ?. but you certainly do.
By pressing up, 1 is added to the current value
by pressing the (P) the value = 0

but by pressing (P) again it sould go back to current value.

right click tape get Sunspeed ? and “Print String” or what do you want ?

When you drag a variable from the panel into the graph, you can either Get or Set it.

In addition:

  • ctrl+drag will override the context menu and Get
  • alt+drag will do the same as above for Set
  • you can bring the context menu and search for Get + variable name
  • the output pin on the Set node acts as Get at the same time

No my bad what i mean

When the sun moves at (69) and than stops (0)
The sun needs to go back to the last value (69)

Other example
When a car speed is (33) and than stopes
I dont want it to exalirate but to go emidiatley to (33)