Switching between multiply levels using one button

First I want to write that I’m total begginer in blueprint scripting
I made a 4 levels, It’s just simply room but each level has different lighting conditions plus options in postpro volume, when I press “play” I want to have opportunity to switch between these levels
For example when I press “m” I want to switch to level02 when I switch “m” again to level03, etc.
I made something like this but it only fires up a level02 and stops when I press “m” again, please help!

The way you have it set up it cannot work. Each level is effectively restarting the counter back to the first index - this is why it only works to level 2. Also, level blueprints are specific to individual levels - I would put this in the game mode blueprint.

You’re gonna want to use Savegame objects: Saving and Loading Your Game | Unreal Engine Documentation

increment an Int variable and store it into the savegame object. Use the incremented variable to control the level loop.

Hope this helps. Read the documentation - it’ll make sense.

Thanks, but Solution was simply as f…:slight_smile:
In each level blueprint
In level 01: pressm->openlevel02
In level 02: pressm->openlevel03
In level 03: pressm->openlevel04
In level 04: pressm->openlevel01
And it works like charm