How do I make a particle system move and rotate?

Hi, i want to know how i can create movement in UE4, I create a particle system to create fontain and i want to make this particle system make a rotation around Z.
Thx you

2 ways maybe 3 without trying it myself.
Theory 1 particle editor orbit and lock axis keep init location at 0 0 0 and put the orbit at the same as the init loc

Theory 2 blueprint with make transform with make vector for the data 0 and 360 for rotation and keep the transforms the same spawn emitter or actor class so the blueprint controls it

Theory 3 not sure if matinee is the same but that would be the 3rd way

I could be wrong but Id go in one of those directions depending on how much process power your trying to save.

Hey EternalSilence -

Theory 2 would look something like this. You would need to add a non-rendering shape or Scene component as the root to allow you to offset the particle system.

  • Eric Ketchum

Hi thx you both for your answer i made this blueprint it’s perfect. I just connect particle actor directly to the world rotation and remove the break node.

Hello everyone. I did a system that the particle is born the character of the bone. But wanted after 1 second it would follow an object. I want your help !