Accessing a bool from another blueprint

I have created a BP called test quit and set a boolean to a key press.

I then open up the level BP and running off a tick set up a branch that when set to true quits the game. The true statement is the Boolean I set in the test quit BP but because I didn’t create the Boolean in the level BP when I call it it requires a target so I drag a reference of the test quit bp from the game level into the level BP and attach it to the target and it works. When I press the key the game quits.

I then create another BP to do the same thing the level bp does but because I can’t drag the test quit BP from the game world I create a variable that references the test quit BP and you would think it would do the same thing as the level BP but it doesn’t. Does anyone know why?

The proper and slightly more complicated way is to use interfaces.

the easier way is to use Get All Actors of Class > For Each Loop > drag out the bluepin from foreach and add “get Press Button”
since im assuming you only have one player, the get all actors of class will return an array of first person characters with only one character in it.