Deactivate CursorToWorld Decal

This is trivial but perplexing as I am a newb. I am following this tutorial [here][1] which uses a top-down template. He created a custom camera but drags a number of the TopDownCharacters from the template into the scene as you can see in the image below. Each character has a green decal on it. Looking at the blueprint for TopDownCharacter I can see that it has a component called ‘CursorToWorld’ which seems to be it.

Opening up the C++ class corresponding to the Character which is created by the template, in the constructor he adds the code highlighted in the image below. This is supposed to turn off the decal when the constructor is run. I added a log statement at the top of the constructor and the constructor is running for each TopDownCharacter I dragged in however the decal is not turning off like his does.

This CursorToWorld member is of type UDecalComponent. Looking at the docs, [here][4] I don’t see this SetVisibility method but I suppose it could come from a parent class. I tried a few other methods including ‘SetActive(false)’ but nothing seemed to have any effect. Is there something I am missing regarding dragging the characters into the scene that may break this, or is this method depricated?

Thats the correct way to do it. You have overwritten or changed it somewhere else. Or forgot to compile ;P? Placed the wrong Character maybe? If you select your Character and its decal Component you can See in the Rendering Category if “Visible” is on or off.