Isometric roof fade in/out problem

I’m trying to make meshes tagged with ‘roof’ fade out when the player overlaps a trigger, and fade back in when he leaves. I seem to almost have it working, but since I’m a novice at blueprinting I ran into an issue where it works fine with one mesh, but the others pop in and out instantly out of sync with the first. A gif of it in action -

(MP4 for smoother video if GIF is choppy

This is the level blueprint I have so far.

Basically what I’m doing is once the player overlaps the trigger, the blueprint finds all static meshes that I’ve tagged as ‘Roof’ and sets the material of the roof piece to a translucent version of it, then fades the opacity to 0. Once the player leaves it fades the opacity back in then reverts the material to the original opaque version. That’s the idea, anyways… It doesn’t seem to set it back to opaque on the last node like I want it to. It also only correctly fades in and out one piece out of all of them. I’m a bit stuck here. How can I make them fade in sync with each other?