Mouse Input Not Working When Using Steam Link

OS: Windows 10 64-Bit
Graphics: XFX ATI RX480 8GB

Problem Description:
I am using Steam Link while developing and noticed the mouse input, object click events, and Trace functions do not always work, the Mouse X/Y coordinates show 0.0,0.0, using ConvertMouseLocationToWorldSpace produces Mouse X/Y values as 0.0,0.0

Left Mouse Button Down Event fires

Clicking on mesh object with OnClicked Event or using ActorOnClicked Event does not fire.

Tracing does not work.

If I plug my keyboard and mouse USB receiver directly into the computer the mouse input works as expected,
other applications and games work fine with the Steam Link, the problem also exists when playing as Mobile Preview or Stand Alone.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Remote desktop connect to computer with Steam running and Unreal Engine installed using Steam Link.
  2. Exit Big Picture Mode
  3. Launch Epic Games Launcher
  4. Launch Unreal Engine
  5. Create a game using TopDown Template
  6. Click Play
  7. Click a few times around in the Viewport.

Character moves up 1 time and then each click after that the mouse input seems to be ignored because the Mouse X/Y seem to be locked to 0.0.

Finally made some progress, while it doesn’t seem to handle the mouse cursor properly, after enabling Use Mouse for Touch in Project Settings under Mouse Properties it works. I use the touch events and finger blueprints in place of the projects requiring mouse input and everything is fine.

The weird thing is for a Third or First Person Project I can use the mouse input normally for the character/camera rotations, weapon firing, and clicking on UMG elements, but for this type of interaction I have to use the touch events. Hopefully, this post will help anyone else that might have come across this same confusing input problem.