Emulate HTC Vive with Unreal

Hello, I’m starting a VR Project for my Master Thesis and I will need to develop for the HTC Vive with Unreal.
The thing is: my lab has only one Headset, and I live pretty far away from it.
In the near future I will also have to travel abroad and won’t have physical access to it.

Is there a way to emulate the Vive, so that I can test my projects in Unreal without having the actual Headset connected?

So far I have found:

  1. use the null driver as seen on reddit
  2. use vridge and google cardboard as seen on youtube

Since these information is pretty outdated, I was wondering if by any chance there is a better way, without the need for a google cardboard, just like having an emulator window to see what a user with the Headset would see and to emulate movements and interactions.


Check out your vrserver.txt file you might have some error. Try these settings they work for me and don’t forget to take a copy of the previous file.
{ "jsonid" : "vrsettings", "steamvr": { "forcedDriver": "null" }, "driver_null": { "enable": true, "id": "Null Driver", "serialNumber": "Null 4711", "modelNumber": "Null Model Number", "windowX": 100, "windowY": 100, "windowWidth": 1920, "windowHeight": 1080, "renderWidth": 1344, "renderHeight": 1512, "secondsFromVsyncToPhotons": 0.1, "displayFrequency": 90 }, "notifications" : { "DoNotDisturb" : false }, "version" : "1" }
I got this information from here link text