How can you split up your screen into 6 different viewports so they can provide a 360 degree view when projected onto a 360 degree screen?

Here is the link to our lab where you can see what the 360 degree screen at our lab looks like if that helps. Basically trying to find a way in Unreal to split up the views into 6 different viewports (front, back, left, right, etc.) so that when it is projected onto the screen, it shows a 360 degree view. Any ideas how to do this?

Maybe you try out the scene capture cube? I don’t know how you project your videos onto the screen but maybe this works?
So you take the CubecaptureTarget and use it in a material that is on a plane that a camera (which should be the “playercam”) is filming. I assume that you have four projectors for your screen. Align them next to each other and then you could project the longLat rendering to your screen.

I hope this may point you in the right directon…
