STOP moving with moving platform

Ok, I have a platform that is moving between two vectors using a lerp and a timeline. Nothing fancy. When I step onto it with my character the character moves with it, which admittedly is what you would want to happen 99% of the time. I want to stop that. I can’t find a way to turn off that functionality in blueprints, though I’m sure there must be a simple solution.

What I would like to happen is the platform to move from point A to point B (as it does) and the character can step on it, but not move with it. I’d like the platform to block the character from falling through (as it does) but I want the player to need to follow the platform via their own inputs, and if the platform moves from underneath them they would fall off.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

You would need to have some sort of trigger volume on your platform, when the character is on the platform use a tick gate to set the current position to the position it was last frame but factor in changes in the characters input movement.
Someone else may have another way. Let me know if that helps.

Yeah I feel like that would do it, I was just really hoping to avoid doing it on tick. I was thinking since people usually have issues with moving WITH a platform, that doing the opposite would be a relatively simply thing. Either way, I’ve thought of a different way to achieve the effect I’m going for, but thank you the same.

I know it’s kinda late, but I found a way. It’s not in blueprints however.
I wanted to make characters be able to jump on each others head, but dont follow as the lower one walk away.

In C++, I made my own character movement component, derived from CharacterMovementComponent.
Then you override the UpdateBasedMovement, check if the current “base” you have is something you want to follow or not. If not, then just return.

My code( AFoobarCharacter is my player character, but it you could define your own logic )
void UFoobarCharacterMovementComponent::UpdateBasedMovement( float DeltaSeconds )
if( !HasValidData() )

	const UPrimitiveComponent* MovementBase = CharacterOwner->GetMovementBase();
	if( !MovementBaseUtility::UseRelativeLocation( MovementBase ) )

	AActor* AttachedActor = MovementBase->GetAttachmentRootActor();
	if( AttachedActor && AttachedActor->IsA( AFoobarCharacter::StaticClass() ) )

	Super::UpdateBasedMovement( DeltaSeconds );

This allowed my character to stand on other characters, but not follow their movement. Probably you should do this to your moving platform, with a more refined condition. (maybe actor tag “dontfollow”)