Get face rotation

Hello all.

(Sorry I use

I am trying to program a projectile in blueprint that makes spawn a decal at the impact point.
But could not find how to do its. This makes a long moment that I search.
I only found this calculation with the “Impact Normal” from “Hit result” to find the Z rotation but the value is not very precise.

Thank you for your response.

so are you trying to find the rotation of a polygon/triangle of a mesh?

i was having trouble with a particle system being attached in the wrong orientation and i kept alternating between ‘HitNormal’ and ‘Normal’ to no success…

the thing that was messing up my normal was that the ‘Hit’ was based on the capsule of the blueprint i was tracing to, not the mesh in it… so i made an auto convex collision on my mesh and made the capsule ignore ‘visibility’ (i think) and then it worked better.

dont know if this will help, but good luck.

This is the right answer, I think. I also had this problem and was solved in a similar way. If the Capsule (or Sphere/Box) is used for tests, the impact normal wont be very accurate.

I have found this answer long ago : You need use a RotationFromXVector.