Just wondering if it is possible to generate a cylinder mesh in a clockwise motion on click and hold?

Sorry im still learning but i was wondering if it is possible to generate a cylinder on mouse click and hold. i need it to start generating from a 12 o clock position and rotate around whilst mouse is being held. then once it is let go i need it to stop generating the mesh.

any help is welcome thanks

what do you mean with generating? On Mouse Click you can just spawn it on your cursor and then while the mouse is pressed you can change rotation in a tick method.

so when the mouse is clicked, it starts with a mesh that sort of grows in a clockwise direction like the image provided. just wondering is this at all possible.

It looks like you want to generate a mesh procedurally. There is a kind of experimental feature that allows this: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums

There you will have to do some maths to build that cylinder.