Material Instance ignores Phys Material overide

Hey, has anyone here been successful in setting up Phys Materials on a Material Instance and having that different Phys Material be returned on a Hit Result?

With a normal Material applying a Phys Material seems to return just fine, but Material Instances don’t seem to apply the new Phys Material/Surface type. Anyone else run into this problem?


  1. Apply Phys Material 1 onto a
  2. Create a Material Instance of
    Material above
  3. Apply a different Phys Material 2 (with a different surface type) onto
    Material Instance
  4. Apply Material Instance onto a test mesh
  5. Trace Complex against mesh with Material Instance
  6. Observe that return is the Phys Material 1 from the parent material, and not the Material Instance Phys Material override


I was not able to reproduce this issue. When following these repro steps I was able to get the mesh with the Material Instance to return Phys Material 2 override during Trace Complex. I have linked my sample project below. Please let me know if you have any additional questions or information.


Sample Project